Please remember that for the safety of all children these are the age limits for social media apps.
Useful Websites for Parents, Carers and Children
For parents and carers, the following websites provide relevant and useful information about Internet Safety:
Parents and carers | CEOP Education
The CEOP website is brought to you by the Child Exploitation and Online Protection (CEOP) centre. You may have seen some of their video clips on National TV recently. There’s a lot of information here for both children and adults –parents even have their own area of the site.
Keeping children safe online | NSPCC
The Childnet website is a brilliant resource for learning about e-safety. It has lots of top tips on issues such as social networking and online gaming. It is aimed at children in Key Stage 2 but also has advice for parents and carers.
Coerced online child sexual abuse – UK Safer Internet Centre